About this site
What is this?
Fifty years ago, Spokane hosted Expo ‘74. I thought it would be fun to follow along week by week and enjoy Expo ‘74 together in real time.
What kind of information will be in these e-mails?
Each week, I’ll tell you about the festivities that were happening in the corresponding week at Expo ‘74: the performances, the theme days, the special events. I will also use the week’s themes to tell you more about certain parts of the fair. For instance, the week of August 24th was “Canada Week” at Expo ‘74, so that week’s e-mail would focus on Canada Island. In weeks that don’t have an obvious theme, I might talk about the restaurants, rides, music, souvenirs, or anything else that seems interesting!
How long will this run?
Through November 3, 2024.
When will the e-mails come out?
Will you share my e-mail with anybody else?
Absolutely not.
Does it cost anything?
No. I might set up a donation link eventually, but the e-mails will be free. This is not intended to be a profit-generating project.
Is this different from your website?
I’ll be using the information I’ve collected on VisitExpo74.com as a starting point when I cover topics that I’ve already researched. I’ll also be adding new information as I develop more topics.
Is this an official Expo ‘74 anniversary thing?
No, I’m just a person in Spokane who thinks about Expo ‘74 a lot and likes to find opportunities to talk about it. The week-by-week Expo idea is something that I thought would be neat, and nobody else seems to be doing it, so I am making it happen.